A Walk Through Shadowfang Keep

Outside Shadowfang
On the way to Shadowfang Keep
The Keep Entrance
Inside the Keep
Through the Doorway
Up the stairs
Another Stairway
Another Platform
Down the stairs
The Jail Cells
Keys to the Courtyard
Follow up the stairs
In the Courtyard
The Staples
Up the Ramp
Another Stairway
A Corridor
A Room
Other Foes
More Stairways
Straight Ahead
Wailing Guardsmen
Through the Doorway
Doorway to the Right
Heading Outside
The Battlements
Into The Tower
Bat Room
Through the Norway
Outside Again
Another Tower
Blue carpet Stairway
Wolf Chamber
Son of Arugal
Lupine Horror
Up More Stairs
Up Blue-Carpet Stairs
Another Chamber
Up to the Wooden Stairs
Through the Gateway
Another Doorway
Another Staircase
Around the room
Up Another Staircase
The Wolf Master
Archmage Arugal
The Final Chamber
The Final Staircase
Final Victory